Arun Kumar Singh, Principal of India’s first and premier hotel management institute IHMCTAN, Mumbai retired recently, after an illustrious teaching career spanning over three and half decades. He is known and respected throughout India for his enthusiasm and commitment to hospitality education and professional development. In an exclusive interview with Steena Joy, WOH News, Singh looks back on his illustrious career and the key takeaways from it.
From Lucknow to IHM Mumbai. How has been your journey in hospitality education?
Lucknow was my own Institute where I studied and during my tenure of 9+ years in Lucknow, we had strengthened the training infrastructure by the addition of a 60,000 sq ft five storey building. My stint at IHM Lucknow gave me a lot of exposure which helped me in my work at IHM Mumbai. The attitude, dedication of faculty and support of my staff at IHM Mumbai helped to head the Institute for 7 years.
Your insights on the post-Covid hospitality education scenario in India?
Covid has thrown several challenges in front of IHMs and Institutes have tried to cope with the situation and tried their best to offer online theory and practical input for 6 months. But now they need to arrange physical classes at the earliest to impart skill components. An hybrid model of education is now necessary for higher education.
Hospitality and tourism were the worst hit sectors due to Covid-19. How can job opportunities be created in the pandemic hit sector?
No doubt Covid has adversely impacted the placement of students in current academic session but industry and the IHMs need to work as a team to minimise the impact of the pandemic on placements. Students are also required to strengthen their knowledge and skill and should learn at least one foreign language and follow their passion to reduce stress
What recommendations would you suggest to improve the IHMs? What changes are needed in the curriculum to remove the much talked about industry-syllabus mismatch?
We need to review syllabus at least once in 3 years to update the content and technological inputs. Case studies and problem solving are needed to be given more prominent place in the syllabus rather than standard content.
Your achievements in your illustrious career?
I had been asked to start a Food Craft Institute in Jodhpur in the year 1996 and with the support of central and state govt, we were able to upgrade it to a State IHM within 5 years of its inception. In Lucknow we were able to add 60 000 sq.ft additional training infrastructure and in Mumbai upgrade infrastructure of Institute with the help of a grant of 5 crore received from Min. of Tourism, Govt.of India . These are some of the achievements of my tenure of 24 years as IHM Principal in Jodhpur, Lucknow and Mumbai.
Some fond memories about your IHM chapter?
My tenure of 24 years in IHM has enriched me with exposure to infrastructure creation and development, student empowerment and upgradation of knowledge and skill .